Water force is a highly cross-linked and water insoluble super absorbent polymer (sap) specially designed for water absorption and water retention in soils located in regions subject to drought. Upon contact with water, these synthetic crystals swell quickly, creating a sap-hydrogel by absorbing and retaining a big volume of water and soluble plant nutrients dissolved in it, which will be released to the plant during the soil drying process. 

A wide range of trials has been undertaken word-wide in order to prove and demonstrate the benefits of Water Force application for plant germination and growth, crop yield and quality, transplanted seedling survival and development as well as for water and fertilizer use efficiency in food, fruit and wood production. Super absorbent polymers are more and more also used in many other technical field like the cable industry, food industry and the green industry including agriculture, horticulture, landscaping and forestry activities. 

  • High performance super absorbent polymer based water retainers 
  • Increases the water holding capacity of soils for several years. 
  • Reduces water loss, irrigation frequency may be reduced 
  • Limits losses of water and nutrient due to unwanted leaching.
  • Improves the physical properties of compact soils through improved aeration. 
  • Accelerates plant and crop growth. Water and nutrients are continuously available in the root zone for optimal water and nutrient absorption. 
  • Protects the environment against drought and groundwater pollution by controlling the release of fertilisers. 


Water Force  a new type potassium based polymer, which can absorb water about  hundreds times of its weight and form granule formations in soil to enhance tank and ventilating ability.
  • It is non-toxic, non-irritating and 
  • Non-corrosive it
  • Reduces irrigation frequency and also water costs. 
  • It increases crop production and also improves crop quality. 
  • It saves water and fertilizers and pesticide in large extent. 
  • Increases the water holding capacity of soils for several months. 
  • Improves soil structure. 
  • The higher water availability helps to avoid water stress during  longer periods of drought.
  • Activates sustainable root growth. 
  • It can be effectively used in the drought season, dry land, mountainous area & sloping field, Mine
    and desert and accelerate to restore geological environment. 
  • It can save labor and increase the livability for the transplant. 
  • Has a long lasting performance also under soil pressure. 
  • Reduces water evaporation from the soil. 
  • Protects the crops against drought and groundwater pollution. 
  • Reduces soil erosion. 
  • Enhances plant growth, Reduces plant mortality. 
  • They work great on lawns, potted plants, annuals, perennial, vegetables, fruits, etc. 
  • It is a highly cross-linked water insoluble super absorbent anionic polymer that is partially Biodegradable Neutralized with potassium. 


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