


(Seaweed Formulation)
Available Packing : 100, 250ml, 500ml, 1 litre & 5 litres

Composition : Contains amino acids, Sea-weed extract, Humic acid, Auxins, Indole Acetic acid, Gibberellins etc.

Dosage & Crop : Cotton
Method of application : Dissolve 2.0 ml in one litre of

water and spray on both surfaces of the leaves. First Spray : At the time of squaring
Second Spray : At the time of flowering
Third Spray : at the time of boll development stage.

Benefits : DoctorGreen Gold contains uniquely potent growth stimulants, nutrients, immune system enhancers, antibiotics, vitamins and other natural ingredients that give healthy plant growth. It helps in production of catalytic enzymes, increases photosynthetic activity. It increases resistance against diseases & environmental stress. It also increases quality and yield of the crop.


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