Copper 12% EDTA


Copper (Cu) is essential for chlorophyll formation, cell wall building and many enzymatic mechanisms. It supports seed formation and reproduction, increases sugar content, intensifies color and improves flavor in fruits and vegetables. Typical deficiency symptoms: wilting of top leaves.




Copper 12% EDTA

AVAILABLE PACKING : 100 g & 250 g COMPOSITION : Copper chelated with EDTA 12.0% CROP : All crops

DOSAGE & METHOD OF APPLICATION : Foliar spray :Dissolve 0.5 g in a litre of water and spray on both surface of leaves. Spray should be done preferably in the morning on in the evening. Use suitable wetting agent.

CAUTION : Store in a cool, Dry place.

Benefits : Copper helps I enzymatic activity (ascorbic acid oxidase & other oxidase enzymes ). It helps in chlorophyll formation, N-fixation, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. It also helps in maintaining the integrity of cell wall. It helps to kill the fungal spores detrimental to plants.


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